Galliford Try

A47 Blofield (RDP East)

Visit Length

4 hours

Max Group Size

20 People

Booking Status


About the event

The A47 is an important route linking the Cities of Norwich and Peterborough.  

This is a multi-billion investment to improve journeys on England’s major roads, the current A47 has over 25,000 vehicles per day and a poor safety record, we will be building 1.6miles of new dual carriageway, constructing two new bridges and creating agricultural access tracks,  there will be  significant benefits to the scheme:

  • Improve safety for all road users
  • reduce congestion and make journey times more reliable and provide capacity for future growth
  • provide safer routes for horses, cyclists and horseriders and other vulnerable road users
  • protect the environment by minimising any adverse impacts
  • help enable regional development and growth in Norwich and the surrounding area

Event Activity: Site visits will consist of a 20 min visit by the Project Manager and will include the following:

  • presentation about the project along with a video that will show you the future scheme
  • health and safety – talk about the works that happen on our construction site
  • careers and pathways into construction and available roles
  • Opportunity to use out Virtual reality headsets
  • Opportunity to test out the Cat and Genny equipment

Site Accessiblity: all visitors should report to reception and there is parking for up to 50 cars on site, we are also an accessible site and have provisions for disabled drivers and wheelchair users.



Event Activity: Site visits will consist of a 20 min visit by the Project Manager and will include the following:

  • presentation about the project along with a video that will show you the future scheme
  • health and safety – talk about the works that happen on our construction site
  • careers and pathways into construction and available roles
  • Opportunity to use out Virtual reality headsets
  • Opportunity to test out the Cat and Genny equipment


Educational Visits:
Visits limited to educational institutions only.

Minimum age: N/A

fully accessible site with disabled ramps and disabled parking

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This session is for educational institutions only. If you are not booking on behalf of an educational institution your booking will be cancelled.

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Get in touch

Our address:
Central Avenue, Norwich, England, NR7 0HS, United Kingdom

Keeley Russell

Robert Norman
