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Get Involved with
Open Doors

Open Doors takes you behind the scenes to showcase the fantastic range of careers available in construction. Hundreds of events are expected to participate from Monday 17 – Saturday 22 March 2025, across all types of construction sites, as well as training and manufacturing facilities, depots, offices, and virtual reality.

The event, which partners with Go Construct, is an exclusive opportunity to experience construction workplaces and see the range of the 180+ different careers in action. Visitors gain an exclusive insight into the sector and leave inspired to consider construction careers going forwards.  You can read our Review of Open Doors 2024 to see the impact a site visit can have on recruiting the next generation.

Next Steps

Open Doors will return from Monday 17 – Saturday 22 March 2025, with bookings opening on Monday 13 January 2025.  Further details will be provided shortly.  In the meantime, you can find out more about the construction industry and what it has to offer by visiting our Careers page.

Frequently Asked Questions


When does Open Doors take place?

Open Doors will return from Monday 17 – Saturday 22 March 2025. Bookings will open on Monday 13 January 2025.

What happened at the last Open Doors event?

Open Doors took place from Monday 18 – Saturday 23 March 2024 and you can read more about the event’s impact in our Review and see more in our Gallery.

How much does it cost?

All Open Doors visits are provided free of charge.  Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with additional costs involved e.g. travel, but if personal protective equipment (PPE) is required the site will provide this for you.

What can I do if there are no events nearby?

If a suitable event does not appear on our map, please contact us and we will ask our event hosts if they can open one local to you. If we cannot source a local location for you we will see if any online events are a possibility.

My child and I can only attend on the Saturday, but what can we do if there are no Saturday sessions available?

Offering sessions on Saturdays can create many logistical challenges for the event hosts, meaning that much fewer are available to book.  As an alternative you can:

  • Contact your child’s school to encourage them to book a class visit on a weekday
  • Contact the event host to ask them to provide you with a Visit Brief – you can then apply for an authorised absence with your child’s school, as this document demonstrates that it is an approved careers activity endorsed by the Department for Work & Pensions.
Do I need to wear anything special?

We would recommend sensible shoes and comfortable clothing and it is always a good idea to bring some waterproof clothing as well just in case! Protective clothing (PPE) will be provided by the construction company hosting the site tour if required – you will know if the visit involves PPE as you will be asked to provide sizes at the time of booking (these can be provided later if necessary).

What will happen during my visit?

You will get the opportunity to see the project, office, or factory, meet the people who work in the industry and hear about their route into the industry.  Many sites will require visitors to wear protective clothing (PPE), which will be provided if necessary.  Some events will also offer interactive experiences e.g. virtual reality, simulators or work tasters.  Individual events will provide information on what will be on offer on their event profiles, but you can contact them directly through their profile if you would like additional details.

If you have any specific requests or interests please email the event host directly and they may be able to tailor the content for you.

How long will the visit last?

This will vary and estimated durations can be found on each event’s profile.

Can I attend more than one event?

Yes absolutely! Just remember you will need to book each event individually and provide all the requested details separately (e.g. shoe sizes, if required), as the locations will likely be hosted by different companies.

Can large groups attend?

Whilst we encourage groups of all sizes, some sites may be operating under restrictions that mean they are not able to host larger groups. Please check the individual event profile for further details and remember that the earlier you book, the easier it will be to accommodate you!

Can international visitors attend?

We are happy for international visitors to attend.  However, please note that Open Doors’ main aim is to encourage new recruits into the British construction industry, and so places may be prioritised for resident visitors where demand exceeds supply.  Please note that Open Doors cannot advise on or assist with work visa applications.

Can children attend?

We actively encourage all events to host children where possible.  Details on whether children can attend, and any applicable age restrictions, will be available on each event profile, as this will differ between events. Please note if an event does allow children to visit, all vulnerable individuals including under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If under 18, they must also have parental or legal guardian consent.

Can I walk around alone?

No, we’re afraid not. You will have to stay with the chaperone you are allocated at all times.


How do I book an event?

Bookings are currently closed, but will open on Monday 13 January 2025.  Further details will be released shortly.

Why book a group visit?

A group visit to an Open Doors event will allow you all to see what goes on behind the scenes and learn about the fantastic range of careers available in construction.  We encourage visitors to bring their friends and families along.

How do I book a group visit?

Bookings are currently closed, but will open on Monday 13 January 2025. Further details will be released shortly.


I have accessibility needs – can I attend?

Whilst we aim to be able to host all disabled visitors, this will depend on the event in question. Each event will clearly outline its accessibility and you can contact the event hosts directly through their profiles if you need further information or provisions.

Health & Safety

Will the construction sites be safe?

Each site taking part in Open Doors has taken all steps to make sure your site visit will be safe and enjoyable. To ensure your own safety you should follow any guidance given on site.  All events can provide a Risk Assessment in advance of your visit if required.

Do all visits involve personal protective equipment (PPE)?

No.  The need for personal protective equipment (PPE) is determined by the Risk Assessment and will largely depend on whether you are visiting a live construction site, and where you will be viewing the site from e.g. visits hosted from viewing platforms may not need PPE.  You will know if your visit involves PPE as you will be asked to confirm sizes at the time of booking (these can be provided later if necessary).


What can construction offer me?

The construction industry can offer people from all different ages and backgrounds an exciting career. There is so much more to construction than just building, from design and engineering through project planning to the archaeological digs that take place. To find out more about the wide variety of construction careers, the qualifications you need and case studies on what it is really like, please visit the careers website Go Construct.

Where can I find more information on careers in construction?

Our Careers page features lots of useful information on construction industry roles and how to get into them.

What if I have further questions?

For general questions relating to Open Doors please email our team via  For information on attending specific events please make direct contact through each event’s profile.