Kier Group Plc

Currie High School

Visit Length

60 Minutes

Max Group Size

10 People

Booking Status


About the event

Kier are the main contractors on a project to build the new Currie Community High School, which will be one of the most energy efficient high schools in Scotland.
The campus will be one of the first Passivhaus-designed high schools in the country setting the standard for energy consumption across school estates. Passivhaus is a rigorous energy standard which reduces the amount of energy needed for heating by up to 90%. It also lowers the total amount of energy used by around 70% and minimises carbon emissions.
The school will have a series of learning zones for pupils with breakout areas. Health and wellbeing also feature prominently in the designs with the creation of a dedicated wellbeing hub and separate wellness centre to support pupils.


A short presentation and safety induction followed by a site tour.


Minimum age: N/A

Get in touch

Our address:
Currie, Scotland, United Kingdom

Lindsey McNaughtan