Kier Group Plc

HMP Elmley

Visit Length

120 Minutes

Max Group Size

15 People

Booking Status


About the event

This project will deliver new houseblocks for HMP Elmley as part of a Government initiative to increase the number of prison places.

The project will also build state-of-the-art workshops which will aim to cut reoffending and crime by getting more ex-offenders into jobs. This push at other prisons has already seen the proportion of ex-prisoners employed six months after release increase by two-thirds (66 per cent).

Designed with security and rehabilitation in mind, the innovative design of the new houseblocks will include x-shaped buildings with wider landings to increase visibility of multiple wings – helping officers to maintain order. The designs will also mean easier access to supporting facilities such as additional healthcare and kitchens, promoting rehabilitation and helping prisoners to turn their lives around.


Visitors will hear about the work of Kier and our careers, have the opportunity to ask questions, and receive a site tour.


Minimum age: 15 years old
No persons under the age of 15 will be permitted to be on site

Please contact the site to discuss your requirements.

Get in touch

Our address:
Church Road, Sheerness, England, ME12 4DZ, United Kingdom

Chanade Ramsay