Kier Group Plc

Holbeam Dam

Visit Length

150 Minutes

Max Group Size

10 People

Booking Status


About the event

Kier is working at Holbeam Dam for the Environment Agency to deliver a number of improvement works.  This project is an excellent opportunity for aspiring engineers, environmentalists, and construction professionals to witness:

  • Advanced Engineering Techniques: Construction of a stepped concrete spillway and a stilling basin, enhancing the dam’s water management capabilities.
  • Enhanced Safety Measures: Raising the western dam crest by 1m and reprofiling the eastern crest with an innovative erosion protection system.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades: Upgrades include resurfacing the existing access track and modifying the gatehouse structure, along with realigning vital hydraulic, electric, and control ducting.


We invite students, graduates, and young professionals to join us during Open Doors Week to witness these works and explore the diverse career paths available within the construction industry.

Visitors will be given a tour of the project which will cover the scope of works we are delivering; an explanation of the environmental and ecological benefits we are creating and an explanation of how the dam functions to manage water. Learners will be provided with the opportunity to talk to our project professionals about their career paths and experiences working for Kier.


Educational Visits:
Visits limited to educational institutions only.

Minimum age: N/A

There is free parking on site, however visitors should be aware that the car park can be busy, and we respectfully ask that you park with the consideration of others in mind.

Get in touch

Our address:
Newton Abbot, England, TQ12 6NA, United Kingdom

Kelly Cowling