The Health Hydro Phase 1 project is due to complete in April 2025. The site is based at Health Hydro, Milton Rd, Swindon SN1 5JA and the project includes Demolition of existing changing block and construction of new; vertical extension of south east corner of building to create new plant room including insertion of steel frame; renewal of pool plant; conversion of former bath house to create new gym space; renewal of building services within the Phase 1 area; conservation repairs to building fabric. The building is a Grade II-Listed historical site.
One date will be available to visit the Health Hydro, this will be on the 18th March for schools and students,. The site will have designated zones of interest, a learning zone for students where M&E aspects can be explored, a heritage zone to learn about the history of the building and a careers zone showcasing careers in Construction, we will also be highlighting Swindon attractions.
Educational Visits:Visits limited to educational institutions only.
Minimum age: 10 years old
All children must be accompanied by teachers
Accessibility:We have a parking area opposite the site which minibuses can use, we will share the location via a map once you have booked. The site is accessible from Milton Road where buses are able to pull up outside the Health Hydro, there are also several car parks very close by. The building is accessible to wheelchair users on the ground floor level.
Our address:
Milton Road, Swindon, England, SN1 5JA, United Kingdom