The proposed Galashiels Community Campus will accommodate 1000 pupils (inclusive of 40-50 additional support needs pupils) and is situated on a site adjacent to the existing Galashiels Academy at Scott Park, Elm Row, Galashiels. The site sits on an elevated plateau and is overall a rough triangular shape with trees bounding the northern, western, and southern edges and level change leading to suburban housing to the east.
The proposed new Campus will both accommodate the current school role and allow for future growth. The Project will replace the current Galashiels Academy with a new building on the existing site. This will be a tandem build, with new school built then old school demolished to allow for the formation of sports facilities and hard and soft landscaping . The existing school will be in a close proximity to the western site boundary for the main new school build phase.
The new school will also incorporate a new swimming pool and when open the old swimming pool to the north boundary of the site will be demolished to provide space for the main school car park.
The brief includes:
The site and existing buildings have a wide range of ecological requirements that need detailed attention and the site will require some archaeological works carried out prior to the main construction in certain areas. The “Southern Upland Way “ footpath is to the north and eastern side of the site boundaries within Scott Park and needs to be kept clear at all times for public right of way
Event will be 1 hour and consist of a 30 minute site tour and presentation to include information on the project, careers and pathways into construction
Educational Visits:Visits limited to educational institutions only.
Minimum age: N/A
Accessibility:All visitors are to report to the site gatehouse off School drive, Elm Row, TD1 3HU All participants will be required to wear stout footwear to attend the site and PPE will be provided on arrival
Our address:
Galashiels, Scotland, TD1 3HU, United Kingdom
Gillian McCaul