GEDA Construction

Dungannon WwTw

Visit Length

1 hour

Max Group Size

15 People

Booking Status


About the event

The site is located in the village of Moygashel within the Dungannon & South Tyrone Borough Council area, approximately 2km south of Dungannon off the main A4 to Ballygawley. The wastewater treatment works, which serves residential and industrial populations of Dungannon & Moygashel is currently being refurbished by GEDA Construction.

The construction work to be carried out under Phase 2 of this project is to include the following;

  • Improvement/Optimisation works to existing tanks including replacement M&E (Mechanical & Electrical services) and for Pimary Settlement Tank’s, Sludge Holding Tank’s, Final settlement Tanks, removal of surface aerators and Installation of Final Bubble Diffused Aeration, Activated Sludge Process
  • Site wide replacement of Programmable Logic Controller system, electric cabling & Motor Control Centre upgrades.
  • New anoxic tank upstream of Acitivated Sludge Process, second coarse/25mm 2D inlet screen.
  • New welfare/Admin building.
  • Replacement Returned Activated Sludge Process/Surplus Activated Sludge Pumping station.
  • New Primary Settlement Tank Flow split chamber
  • Avs replaced on final effluent pumping main
  • Associated site works (demolition of redundant tanks; new/additional drainage,
    watermains, roads and hardstanding, site lighting, access and maintenance
    equipment, refurbished/new generator(s), retention on site of contaminated excavated
    material where feasible)
  •  New thickening and dewatering sludge facility, including sludge storage tanks, sludge import reception facilities and odour control.


The site visit will include a presentation overview of the project by the site manager and engineer.

A site tour will be included.

For younger groups we will be having demos of cat scanners (cable avoidance tool which uses a range of technologies including electromagnetism and radio detection to find hidden cables and and pipe locating when buried in soil, underneath roads or hidden in construction sites

And dumpy levels (an optical instrument used to measure heights, distances, on levels on construction sites and quantity surveying).


Minimum age: N/A

Site is accessible

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This session is for educational institutions only. If you are not booking on behalf of an educational institution your booking will be cancelled.

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Get in touch

Our address:
Moygashel Row, Dungannon, Northern Ireland, BT71 7QT, United Kingdom

Aisling Henry
07553 897341